Florence 17 Marzo 1981 |
2011 is a big year for me: new job, new home, getting married and to add to the lot, today I turn 30.
Perhaps it hasn't hit me (yet), but (in case it does) I've decided to put "on paper" all the GOOD things about turning 30 and all the reasons to embrace my thirties:
I can now say that being a grown up feels exactly the same way it did when I was 20.
"Grown-ups" are a myth
Still no white hairs in sight
I LOVE my job and do exactly what I like
I share my birthday with ITALY'S 150th birthday! 17 March 1861 Italy becomes a united nation. If I were in Italy today, it would be national holiday!!
If I really, really wanted I could afford to buy fur and diamonds (ok.. very little ones)
Vividly remembering being 12 and thinking 30 was PROPER old. Now knowing exactly what my goddaughter thinks of me, and how wrong she is
I may soon have things like nieces, brother in laws and a husband. I use to love those words as a kid and was so jealous I didn't have any
This is the decade I could become a fashion director and own a walk-in-wardrobe
I have friends I have known and loved for half of my life time. Now those are good friends
As I told my friend Claire when she turned 30: if they ever happened to be in fashion, we could wear gray knee length skirts and definetly not look like we're in our school uniforms
Opening the letter that my friend Sere and I wrote to our 30-selves ten years ago
My advice now comes with some level of experience (oh my god I am old, that's something my dad would say)
In reality, all the really exciting things of life are just about to start...
A few hours old |
Happy Birthday to all of you born on March 17th around the world!